Instant Pot Homemade Vanilla Yogurt


1 Gallon 2% Milk
3 Tablespoons Powdered Milk (optional)
1/4 Cup yogurt with active cultures
1–2 Tablespoons Vanilla (optional)
1 Vanilla Bean (optional)
1/2 cup sweetener (optional)


Pour milk in pot. Add powdered milk if using and stir. Lock lid in place, plug in cooker. Press yogurt. Press adjust until display reads “boil”.

When boil cycle is finished (about an hour), check the temperature and use the saute function to warm to 185 degrees F. Unplug cooker, remove pot and place on cooling rack. Cool milk to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mix in yogurt starter. Lock lid in place and turn on cooker. Press “yogurt” and then “adjust” until the screen says “8:00”. The milk will now incubate for 8 hours.

When pressure cooker beeps at the end of 8 hours, place in refrigerator and chill yogurt for 6 hours or overnight.

Strain yogurt using a Nut Milk Bag, Yogurt Strainer, or coffee filters for 1/2-1 hour or overnight for a greek yogurt consistency.

Pour yogurt into a bowl. Add vanilla extract or vanilla bean seeds, and/or sweetener at this point, if desired. Whisk until smooth.

Place yogurt in jars and store in fridge.